Friday, August 28, 2009

Why Do You Care so Much?

I’ve often been asked this question by many people from both sides of the political aisle. Well, to put it simply, I cannot sit idly by while our liberties that were bestowed upon us via the gallantry of men who sacrificed their lives in defense of these principals are under attack; not from an outside invader, but from the tyranny of our own government! Thousands of men have died to secure our liberties. By allowing the current consolidation of power to our federal government, and thereby permitting tyranny to sweep across our great land, assures that these men have lost the worthiness of their sacrifice and have died in vein.

Our fight against tyranny is not just for ourselves, or our future generations. It also for those that have come before us! Liberty is not a free commodity, nor will it ever be. There will always be a fight against the perils of despotism, because there will always be those seeking power at the expense of the sovereignty of the people. We, the people, have been on the defense of this battle for too long! WE HAVE NOW ESCALATED TO A POINT WHERE IT IS NO LONGER TIME TO DEFEND OUR LIBERTIES, WE HAVE COME TO THE POINT WHERE WE MUST FIGHT FOR THEM!

I am not suggesting a revolution, nor a call to arms, rather, I call for a contribution and a dedication to an involvement in our government. “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance”- (Thomas Jefferson) To sacrifice a few hours of our time, and to participate in the legislative process that dictates the very laws in which we live by, is a small price to pay. May we have God’s blessings in our just cause…

God Save America!

(From my friend, Ryan in PA)

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