I guess the lack of personal responsibility doesn't just apply to Liberal Americans who have been brainwashed into thinking that someone else must be held accountable for their own bad choices in life. You could say that "Stupid is contagious" because Brazil is doing the exact same thing.
Hopefully, McDonald's can and will get the judgment thrown out, or reduced to the price of a fruit cup and side salad for this idiot.
Manager says job-related fast-food diet caused him to gain weight
O PAULO — A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's mu
SAO PAULO — A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's must pay a former
SAO PAULO — A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's must pay a former franchise manager $17,500 because he gained 65 pounds while working there for a dozen years.
Here's my take on the MoveOn.org protester's accusations of being attacked by tea party members. First of all, she was wrong for forcing her sign in Rand Paul's face. Second, even after she was restrained to the ground by supporters and/or security, the guy who used excessive force with his foot on her shoulder was also out of line. So, I am disgusted with both sides of the aisle!! Tea party members, no matter how frustrated you may be with the left-wing organizations, PLEEEEEASE, use restraint! The last thing conservatives need right now is for our frustrations to cause more violence. Use your head, and think before you react in situations like this. Once a person has already been restrained, enough is enough!! Thank you!
The so-called head-stomping incident outside Monday evening’s Kentucky Senate debate has received an enormous amount of media attention, but questions still remain. The big question: what started the scuffle?
The infamous video footage caught supporters of Rand Paul wrestling a MoveOn.org protestor to the ground. Meanwhile, the liberal activist, Lauren Valle, appeared on MSNBC Tuesday evening and speculated the Paul supporters had “attacked” and “dragged her to the ground” because of her work with MoveOn.
I feel bad for this couple in the UK, but if they don't qualify for extra benefits because their child is born too early, the answer is simple: They don't qualify. In defense of the British government, they shouldn't be required to bend the rules for them.
However, it's sad that because of the regulations put on the people of the UK who are on "public assistance," no one else can help them with the extras. That extra help would be considered income, and then they lose a portion of what government assistance they already receive. In essence, that's called, "taxing charitable giving." Go figure! You can read the short article here: http://tinyurl.com/24bc4gk
“A Living Wage is a Moral Wage.” Ummm ... No it’s not! It amounts 2 theft. U get what U earn. U R entitled 2 that & your God-given rights related 2 Life, Liberty & the PURSUIT of Happiness; nothing else! #myfirstposthttp://bit.ly/bA2Cdw
A $4 rubber bracelet meant to raise breast cancer awareness has done that and more: Students nationwide are wearing the "I (heart) boobies" wristbands, and running afoul of school administrators.
Schools from California to Florida have banned the bracelets because they believe the "boobies" language is inappropriate. Read entire article here.
Inappropriate? Probably so. When I was growing up, the word 'boob' was traditionally a derogatory term for a woman's breast, and not the nicest word to be used in public. So, yes, in defense of the schools, I can understand why they would be concerned because of the broader "inappropriate" usage of the word. Check out the short video here.
However, If the word "boob" or "boobies" and any bracelets with those words on them are banned, then the schools must stop passing out condoms to teens in support of pre-marital teen sex. And parents must be notified before sending their daughters to an abortion clinic if these girls find themselves pregnant because they refuse to use such birth control!
Yesterday, Glenn Beck and his friend Pat were debating whether or now the Supreme Court should limit freedom of speech in regards to the lawsuit brought by the Snyder family against Pastor Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church. The video below will explain the latest news on the hearing:
Here's the discussion on Glenn's show from October 6, 2010:
Here are my thoughts on this whole ordeal. Yes, I think that what the Westboro congregation is doing and has been doing for many years is despicable! And I wish that this case hadn't gone as far as it has. But, in my opinion, with the two new justices on the bench under Obama's watch, I would be highly surprised if they rule in Westboro's favor, considering the heated debate on homosexuality in general. I still believe that everyone has a right to their opinions and core beliefs. I pray that the judges will keep that in mind as they make their decision. But I'm really afraid that they will take a radical step and ignore the First Amendment. My question is, what will come next ... The Bible being burned because of its content? Would anyone be surprised if the sacred written Word of God ends up being silenced within all churches because of a select few radicals who decided to take the scriptures way out of context?
This is why I strongly disagree with Westboro's tactics since they first went public with their rage. There is a big difference between judgment/condemnation of one's eternal soul and discernment. As Glenn has quoted Martin Luther King, Jr many times, you judge a man by his character; but it is not up to us to condemn anyone to eternal damnation. Ultimately, it's up to God to do that. This is where Westboro went wrong. Protesting is not wrong or illegal in and of itself - but to do so in this manner is insensitive, uncaring, and it puts a really bad name to Christianity as a whole. Honestly, I think Jesus Christ himself would be very sad to see this happening.