Friday, October 29, 2010

And I Thought Frivolous Lawsuits Were bad in the US

I guess the lack of personal responsibility doesn't just apply to Liberal Americans who have been brainwashed into thinking that someone else must be held accountable for their own bad choices in life. You could say that "Stupid is contagious" because Brazil is doing the exact same thing.

Hopefully, McDonald's can and will get the judgment thrown out, or reduced to the price of a fruit cup and side salad for this idiot.

Amplify’d from

Judge: McDonald's must pay obese employee $17,500

Manager says job-related fast-food diet caused him to gain weight

O PAULO — A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's mu
SAO PAULO — A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's must pay a former

SAO PAULO — A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's must pay a former franchise manager $17,500 because he gained 65 pounds while working there for a dozen years.