Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Of course Obama Would Backtrack 'Enemies' Comment

It's too late, Obama! Once you've said something, you can't take it back! Let's "backtrack" if you will to the "Apology tour!" He went all over the world making baseless apologies for American Exceptionalism. That shows how he can't stand the American freedom experiment. He has no respect for America, period!!

Amplify’d from www.foxnews.com

Obama Backtracks on 'Enemies' Comment

WASHINGTON -- A day before the pivotal midterm elections, President Obama pulled back from remarks he made last month when he called on Latino voters to punish their "enemies" on Election Day.

In an interview Monday with radio host Michael Baisden, Obama said he should have used the word "opponents" instead of enemies.

Republicans were quick to criticize the president's remarks. House Minority Leader John Boehner was expected to use Obama's words in an election eve speech in Ohio to paint the president as a staunch partisan.

"Sadly, we have a president who uses the word 'enemy' for fellow Americans, fellow citizens. He used it for people who disagree with his agenda of bigger government," Boehner said, according to prepared remarks released in advance of his speech.

Read more at www.foxnews.com