Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time to uninstall your ice machines?

What else is there to say? I don't have an ice machine, but I know people who do. Maybe we should all stop using refrigeration all together and start dehydrating our meats, fruits & vegetables.

Amplify’d from

Feds Will Regulate Ice Makers To Save Climate

In its latest effort to save the planet from global warming, the U.S. government is on the verge of regulating ice makers commonly found in many refrigerators because they increase energy consumption by a good 12 to 20%.

This could be detrimental to the environment since there are more than 100 million refrigerators across the nation and they devour a substantial chunk of the electricity used by all households. Energy consumed by refrigerators as a whole has long been documented but not what the ice makers inside their freezers use individually.

Americans can finally sleep soundly through the night because government scientists have completed the ice maker study and the findings have been beautifully laid out in a 79-page report titled Energy Consumption of Automatic Ice Makers Installed in Domestic Refrigerators. The information is being used to make a case for regulating the popular little machines that are contributing to the planet’s destruction.