Saturday, June 30, 2012

First the Timeline, then the email, now Desktop Chat Feature

Facebook has now created a desktop and mobile phone app for chat/messenger. Here's what I saw at the top of the home page:

Note: To protect the security of some of my friends and family, I have covered up their photos. 

To see what it looks like from the desktop, click here.

In regards to the Timeline and email features, calls Facebook's actions its standard modus operandi by announcing a new feature as non-obligatory, and then without your knowledge or consent, users have the timeline and email address that they never wanted in the first place. Although there is no way to delete the email, has detailed information on how to change privacy settings to prevent it from being visible to anyone but the account holder.

I would like to know how long will it take for Facebook to move from "nudging" to "shoving" us into another unwanted communication feature.  Give me a break!!