Here's my point of view:
Although I cannot prove it, it is in my opinion that someone in the Obama administration - or even someone within the Supreme Court itself - has bought Justice Thomas' decision long before they made it public. Justice Thomas, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! I hope you can look in the mirror every day from now on, knowing that you just ignored the will of the people AND threw out the Constitution!!
Here's what Steve Ertelt from says in regards to the abortion mandate:
"The Supreme Court has issued a 5-4 decision essentially upholding the Obamacare law that pro-life groups regard as the biggest expansion of abortion and abortion funding since Roe v. Wade.
The law also drew strong opposition from the pro-life community not only over abortion but because the legislation also promotes rationing of medical care that could lead to involuntarily denying lifesaving treatment."
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