A blogger by the name of Tad Cronn from The Patriot Update wrote an excellent article on why Socialism isn't biblical. It would be interesting to know how many of my Christian friends (they include pulpit ministers) will actually read and understand what the Bible has to say on such a heavily-indoctrinated topic. Will they even see the light of truth in this? I don't know. The only thing I can do is pray for them. So, here we go ...
"A former associate of mine posted a cartoon the other day that said, “Church: where Republicans go to worship a long-haired socialist hippie who condemned the rich and told people to pay taxes.”
I see this sort of thing a lot from my left-wing friends and others who don’t seem to know much about the Bible but are mightily convinced that it talks about Jesus being a socialist.
Recently, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is as socialist as they come yet calls herself a Catholic, went so far as to say that Catholic archdioceses that have opposed President Obama’s contraceptives mandate — itself part of the biggest piece of socialist legislation to come down the pike in years — don’t represent the church.
There’s no end of left-leaning churchgoers or of entire denominations that have gone over to modern liberalism. So there must be good reason, right?"
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