Saturday, September 12, 2009

ACORN Employees Encourage Illegal Business

There is definitely a double standard with the Obama Administration!
On a YouTube video that was posted three days ago, a young man and woman walked in to an ACORN office in Baltimore, MD posing as a prostitute and her “pimp.”  They were actually activists attempting to expose this group for what it really is doing: Stealing tax dollars from the American people for the sole cause of creating havoc on the nation, all in the name of “Social Justice.”

Part 1 of the video:

Part 2 of the same video:

Glenn Beck spoke of this on Thursday on his Fox News show and interviewed Hannah, the young woman from the “sting” video (mention link in sidebar) He encouraged her by saying that she and James O’Keefe, the guy who recorded the entire video were “brave” in this ordeal.  I for one, totally agree.  ACORN is just a front for Barack Obama’s thugs who will not let up until he gets exactly what he wants - total control of our lives.  But this is not what it’s really about.  I’m trying to make a point about the latest news on this very important issue. According to Michelle Malkin’s blog - , she stated that now, the state of Maryland may bring charges against Hannah and James for violating its anti-wiretapping laws.

Under Maryland’s Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, it is unlawful to tape record a conversation without the permission of all the parties. See Bodoy v. North Arundel Hosp., 945 F.Supp. 890 (D. Md. 1996). Additionally, recording with criminal or tortuous purpose is illegal, regardless of consent. Md. Code Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 10-402.
I find it interesting that during former the Bush administration, ACORN officials were charged with breaking into private homes, but at this point that issue isn’t even going anywhere as far as I can tell. Nothing has been said about it for months! Need I mention the alleged voter fraud in several states? And what about the ACORN Board of Director who allegedly embezzled millions of dollars from ACORN and to this day is still living a free man?  But U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has no intention of going further into any of these investigations.

Instead, the state of Maryland is considering criminal charges against two people who are exposing this fraudulent organization. The State Attorney General is an Obama and ACORN supporter, so why should we be surprised or upset about this. This is a blatant attack being perpetrated by corrupt politicians who would love nothing but to shut down freedom of speech for anyone who disagrees with the Obama Administration or even the liberal agenda in general. Isn’t it interesting that the employees from ACORN in the video happened to be … shall I say … “black.”  No, I am not making this statement as a racist remark – but I am speaking the truth!! If the colors of all four people in the video had been reversed, the ACORN employees would have not only been fired from their jobs, but the entire situation would have most definitely been turned over to the state and federal jurisdiction and the people would have called for prosecution!

Well, I am thinking that the Whistleblowers Act should come into play to protect Hannah and James O’Keefe from criminal prosecution. Unfortunately, after looking into the Whistleblower’s Act , it appears that this may only cover federal employees. So, maybe the freedom of the press laws can help somehow.  I looked into the First Amendment, more specifically an online handbook for media protection (The First Amendment Handbook - It states the following:

Invasion of Privacy: Defenses
If a person consents, there can be no invasion of privacy. However, the reporter should be sure that the subject has not only consented to be interviewed, but also consented to publishing or airing the interview or photographs. When minors or legally incompetent people are involved, the consent of a parent or guardian may be necessary. A written release is essential for use of pictures or private information in advertising or other commercial contexts.
Truth can be a defense, but only in false light cases. A litigant claiming false light invasion of privacy who is involved in a matter of public interest must prove that the media intentionally or recklessly made erroneous statements about him. However, truth is not a defense to a claim based on publication of private facts.
If the public has a legitimate interest in the story as it was reported, newsworthiness can be a defense to the charge of invasion of privacy. But if the report of legitimate public interest includes gratuitous private information, publication of those private facts may be actionable.

In a published article, THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, by James C. Goodale  ... ... he mentions this very important fact based on older cases:

The protection of the first Amendment extends beyond press reports concerning major government policies and well-known public figures.  The Supreme Court has held that if the press “lawfully obtains truthful information about a matter of public significance then [the government] may not constitutionally punish publication of the information, absent a need to further a state interest of the highest order,” Smith v. Daily Mail Publishing Co., 443 U.S. 97 (1979).

This statement could possibly be used as part of their defense in court to protect James and Hannah from criminal and/or civil liabilities brought forth by the state of Maryland and by ACORN.  All these two were trying to do was prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that ACORN is corrupt, just like the majority of liberals in Washington, and they do not deserve one more dime of our tax dollars!

My prayer is that we stand up for the truth behind the actions of these people at ACORN. With all the talk about accountability and transparency, they must adhere to the same principle, or there will be consequences.

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