Sunday, September 13, 2009

ACORN Lies Again! Threats of Lawsuit over Video

ACORN is running scared and now they've resorted to more lies by accusing filmmaker James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles of "doctoring" the video that was posted on YouTube, and  Their officials have also claimed they threw them out of offices in other cities, which is also a lie. O'Keefe and Giles went to a D.C office of ACORN and again, they were welcomed and given advice for the sole purpose of assisting them with purchasing a house, opening a brothel, alleged illegal immigration (human trafficking) of under-age teens girls in addition to other tax-related advice.

Here's the the latest video from Fox News:

To make matters worse, Baltimore newspapers, along with other mainstream media sources are covering for ACORN and calling this a "political smear campaign." What about the fact that ACORN is just a front for Obama's "social justice" agenda! Where is their accountability?  It's not enough to just fire the Baltimore employees - I call for the complete shut-down of this organization in every city, and throw them all in jail!

"If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck" ... HELLO!!

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