Monday, May 23, 2011

Another False Prophet Used by Media

Although I've always believed the scriptures to be inspired by God & written by prophets & disciples of Christ, I am saddened by this man, Harold Camping to get all the free press he could handle to claim that the Rapture was going to take place on Saturday, May 21st, 2011.

What I see happening as a result is the prophetic words of Christ when he said this:

Matthew 24:34-36:

34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

35Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Harold Camping is responsible for what he says. He should be ashamed of himself for all this. That's why he's in seclusion. But, his final judgment is not up to me or anyone else. He has to face God Almighty whenever that day comes for him.

I also call out the mainstream media for even giving him the time or the air space on the subject, because it only embarrasses honest Christians who honestly believe in Christ's words about the end times. Yes, we have the hope of the rapture. But we do NOT know the date or the hour, as Jesus Christ said. What's even more prophetic is that Jesus knew that his followers would be persecuted for his sake. So here we are, Christianity is being mocked even more now, all because of some so-called "prophet" gaining public notoriety not once but twice for the same thing.

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Harold Camping 'Bewildered' After Apocalypse Comes and Goes Quietly

Harold Camping is "mystified" and "a little bewildered" today that the Rapture did not go as he predicted, an associate of the California preacher told ABC News.

Tom Evans, a board member of Camping's Family Radio International, said today that Camping's wife told him her husband is at their home in Oakland and has no intention to speak or issue any statement today or Monday.

Camping's wife described him as being "somewhat bewildered" and "mystified" that events did not unfold on May 21 as Camping had predicted, Evans said.