Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Apology Tour, Part Deux

All that should be said is, Deja vu. Read at your own risk. If you're traveling while reading this, you might want to have a barf bag nearby.

Amplify’d from blog.heritage.org

Morning Bell: Obama Has Something To Apologize For

When President Ronald Reagan stood before the Brandenburg Gate in West Germany and famously demanded that Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev “Tear down this wall!” he brought to Europe—and indeed the world—America’s conviction that freedom and democracy are a powerful liberating force whose time had come for those living under communist oppression.

By contrast, as President Barack Obama travels throughout Europe this week and meets with U.S. allies, including the United Kingdom and Poland, he brings with him the baggage of his presidency—more than two years of a foreign policy that has neglected America’s friends in Europe. Though the President has embarked on a worldwide “apology tour” for what he believes are America’s transgressions, he now truly has something to apologize for.

Read more at blog.heritage.org