Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Encouraging family & friends 2 be prepared is tough. #emergencystorage

Yep, I'm having the same problem with certain family members. They either don't want to talk about it because they think I'm too "old-fashioned," or they stay that just freezing your food for short term will get you through the tough times. If they only knew what they were saying ...

One of my relatives even had the audacity to tell me a couple years ago that I should "stop listening to so much news." Although he didn't mention him by name, I knew he meant Glenn Beck. After that, I felt bad for my relative and his own family. Another relative played the "what if" game with me, saying, "What if you had all this food & other supplies, and people came and robbed you blind? Then what are you going to do?"

A facebook "friend" actually said she'd rather starve and go to Heaven than stockpile food. A perfect example of a martyr, which is not what the Bible teaches us to live like in this life.

It's every little excuse thrown at me to try and make me feel guilty about being prepared for whatever may come. It's not going to stop me one bit.

Amplify’d from blog.survivalstation.org

Becoming self-sufficient during a financial meltdown is difficult enough, but trying to convince reluctant loved ones to prepare can be doubly frustrating. It’s hard to understand how anyone wouldn’t want to start stockpiling their pantries after watching the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, and more recently the devastating floods in Pakistan. We all watched the newsreels; millions of homeless and hungry fighting for a spot in breadlines. If that isn’t reason enough, the U.S. continues to be threatened with nuclear attack. Meanwhile, most of us are hanging by a gossamer thread between solvency and financial ruin. We see the reason for preparedness. Why can’t our loved ones?

Read more at blog.survivalstation.org