Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just wanted to stop by and say ...

Good morning Comment
Mor Good morning Comment

Monday, July 23, 2012

Piers Morgan Afraid of Law-Abiding Gun Owners?

Here's what he tweeted in the early morning hours of July 20, 2012.

Here's my response:

Dear Piers Morgan,

First of all, it is all well and good that you have sympathy for those who were killed and/or seriously wounded in the senseless massacre in Colorado. I am just as sad as you are about it. The issue I have is with your tweet, implying that owning a gun for self-defense is somehow dangerous, when that has been a lie being forced down the throats of Americans for as long as I can remember. However, if you think that law-abiding American citizens who are licensed gun owners are going to roll over and give in to the unfounded fears of a few people who are calling for the virtual abolition of the 2nd Amendment (via a UN Small Arms Treaty), you are sadly mistaken!

I live in a state where the people pride themselves on the ability to use their rifles for hunting during the fall and for basic target practice - within the limits of the state regulations. They also have the right to defend themselves against those who invade their homes. In the city were I live, we have had a handful of law-abiding gun owners preventing their homes from being robbed by intruders, and their very lives were saved because of how their guns were used. If given the proper respect and training for gun use, there is nothing wrong with a citizen making such a purchase.

Let me remind you, Piers, that your own country has very strict gun control laws. According to those who have done their homework on this issue, business owners and non-business owners alike have been left defenseless against looters and other violent criminals because they are not allowed to own a gun at all! Crime rate in the UK has gone up since the gun control laws went into effect in 1977. There is a really good article about this with verifiable information.  I suggest you read it, and educate yourself. You can find it here

If you still choose to live in fear of guns being used at all by law-abiding people for self-defense - in the United States - maybe you should consider working for one of your own British TV news outlets instead of CNN. Just so there are no misunderstandings in what I am saying here, I ask that you not read between the lines, but take it only as my rebuttal to your tweet with a couple of suggestions for you - nothing more and nothing less.

Thank you!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fellow Texan, Jessica Redfield, among those who died in Aurora Massacre

Just learned about this via Twitter ... What you see below is one of her last few tweets before she was killed at the theater. So sad!

Rest in peace! My prayers and thoughts are with her family, close friends and co-workers during this difficult time.

ABC's Good Morning America is no longer valid news in my opinion

What a sad day it is for Aurora, Colorado and those involved in the shooting at the Palladium Theater late last night. It was packed with people who paid to see the opening of "The Dark Knight Rises," when all of a sudden some crazed, lone gunman threw tear gas into one of the crowded rooms, before taking out a gun and shooting everywhere, wounding 50 people and killing 12. Among the wounded, some were children and the youngest was barely three months old. My thoughts and prayers are with those who survived and also with the families of those who did not. 

Anger doesn't describe what I am feeling about all this. Yes, I am angry with the alleged gunman, 20-something year-old James Holmes. BUT - I strongly doubt that he acted alone. Keep in mind that this is only my opinion. Frustration with ABC News and Good Morning America to the point of pulling my hair out is a mild way of saying it, I guess.  Although my husband loves the news presented from our local ABC affiliate, I do not watch the national news much on non-cable network news. There is a long list of reasons for this, but for today, I am going to focus on just one reason along with a snippet of what GMA had to say about the alleged theater shooter.

My #1 reason:  Think of The National Enquirer, The Star, and The Globe - the old tabloid papers that have been around since I was a kid. Most of the national news has become nothing more than televised versions of these. They do not share the news anymore, and they haven't done so since long before the Oklahoma City Bombing. It is because of those who wanted to control the message not only for the sake of high Nielsen Ratings, but also because they wanted to shape and control the opinions of the American people. So, their idea of news evolved into "investigative reporting" (NBC's Dateline comes to mind).  

It is one thing to become an "investigative reporter." It is an entirely different thing to distort the truth of what you have learned during an investigation. Whatever happened to the old, "Just the facts, ma'am?" I grew up believing that reporters told the truth in all things without inserting their opinions. Now-a-days, all I see are televised Op-eds. Just to name a few, they include the Oklahoma City Bombing, 9-11, the shooting of former Arizona US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and more recently until today,  George Zimmerman (the man accused of murder in the Trayvon Martin shooting). 

Now we have James Holmes, who has been arrested in Colorado for what could be his involvement in the theater shooting. Earlier today, GMA's Brian Ross has blatantly accused the young Mr. Holmes of being a member of the Tea Party.

Excuse me, Mr. Ross - but I distinctly remember very similar accusations in the 2011 Giffords shooting. Remember Sheriff Dupnik? Let us remind ourselves of his own "vitriol." Check out this video:

An article in the Washington Times describes Dupnik as "the left-wing lawman who shot off his mouth and blamed everyone to the right of President Obama for the January 8  massacre in Tucson." The same sheriff went on to accuse the Tea Party members of being bigots. I think I am beginning to understand a whole lot more here. It is okay for name-calling as long as your a left-winger. News Flash, Mr. Brian Ross -  You and your co-workers are all being exposed for what you are. 

The latest updates I read is that the young man in question may not be registered to vote at all! To make matters worse, GMA goes on another attack and blames social media, and members of the public for this attack before making any attempt to correct their "mistake."


Okay, Mr. Brian Ross; I hope you plan to make a formal apology on national news this evening with Diane Sawyer. You owe it to the people as well as the Tea Party. All of you in the mainstream media, need to stop with the vitriol mudslinging that you falsely claim is coming from conservatives. Stop lying to the American people! I know I've had enough of it!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Update: Joe Paterno: My Opinion

Yes, yes, we have all heard about the scandal that took place in the past 10-20 years. Sorry, but I wasn't there, so I am not here to pass judgment on Coach Paterno or anyone else from Penn State. What I am going to show is a few tweets about Paterno himself and then give my two cents about the hypocrisy of it all. 

According to TMZ, they say that "The Freeh Group -- an independent investigative task force hired by the Penn State University Board of Trustees -- released it's report moments ago ... "

Okay! So, let's say the "official report" is true, and the coach had knowledge of the sex crimes and did nothing. If so, this is very sad. I feel horrible for the Paterno family, considering the coach is no longer here to defend himself. However, I am equally dismayed but not surprised by the comments and tweets about Paterno himself as a person and as a human being. If he is "guilty" of a cover-up, it is basically a moot point. Joe Paterno has died; let him rest! You cannot go back and change things. Let's not continue to berate a man who is no longer here. We need to be thinking of his family and how hurt they must be as well. You all talk about stopping the hate and intolerance, while at the same time using hateful comments about someone who was never perfect in the first place! 

Here's a good example of what I am talking about. One person is referring to Paterno as "not a good person." 

My question is, what is their definition of a "good person?"

Another one calls Paterno a liar, and says that his statue should be destroyed.

Yes, it is very possible that Joe Paterno lied and covered up his alleged knowledge of the sex crimes committed by the assistant coach. May God have mercy on his soul. I believe that God is the final judge in all eternal matters once a person has died. Here are some questions for you to think about: How many of you have never told a lie? How many of you are perfect?  Newsflash, people: We are all guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, and even adultery at some point in our lives. Joe Paterno was no different than anyone else. The statue is not the problem, and it should not even be an issue. The issue is with the free agency that God has given all of us. We were all born with a sinful nature. We choose to do right things in life, or we choose to do wrong. Either way, we are judged by our creator in the end. 

Idol worship has been a big problem in society for many generations. Man is not perfect. This is why we should never honor any individual with statues, or putting their names on scholarships and educational institutions. When you put your "faith" in mankind, we all lose in the end. You are going to find out that they have weaknesses and the same sinful nature as the rest of us. I hope and pray that you would put your faith and trust in God, our Heavenly Father than in any person on earth. At least you would know He doesn't let you down the way Joe Paterno and the entire Penn State administration has to the students - past and present.

I am not going to sit here and join in with the "court of public opinion" that is bent on continuing the destruction of Joe Paterno's character. However, I will stand up and defend the Paterno family with "reminders" for all of us with these two video clips - here and here.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

First the Timeline, then the email, now Desktop Chat Feature

Facebook has now created a desktop and mobile phone app for chat/messenger. Here's what I saw at the top of the home page:

Note: To protect the security of some of my friends and family, I have covered up their photos. 

To see what it looks like from the desktop, click here.

In regards to the Timeline and email features, calls Facebook's actions its standard modus operandi by announcing a new feature as non-obligatory, and then without your knowledge or consent, users have the timeline and email address that they never wanted in the first place. Although there is no way to delete the email, has detailed information on how to change privacy settings to prevent it from being visible to anyone but the account holder.

I would like to know how long will it take for Facebook to move from "nudging" to "shoving" us into another unwanted communication feature.  Give me a break!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

In the words of Thomas Jefferson ...

“To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” 

ObamaCare Upheld by SCOTUS

Here's my point of view:

We are a nation in trouble, now more than ever! Yes, fellow Americans, we are now under Socialist, tyrannical rule in that we are mandated to buy health insurance whether or not we want it. Thanks to the US Supreme Court and Chief Justice Thomas,  we have been forced into unprecedented dirty water. 

Although I cannot prove it, it is in my opinion that someone in the Obama administration - or even someone within the Supreme Court itself - has bought Justice Thomas' decision long before they made it public.  Justice Thomas, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! I hope you can look in the mirror every day from now on, knowing that you just ignored the will of the people AND threw out the Constitution!!

Here's what Steve Ertelt from says in regards to the abortion mandate:

"The Supreme Court has issued a 5-4 decision essentially upholding the Obamacare law that pro-life groups regard as the biggest expansion of abortion and abortion funding since Roe v. Wade.
The law also drew strong opposition from the pro-life community not only over abortion but because the legislation also promotes rationing of medical care that could lead to involuntarily denying lifesaving treatment."

Continue reading ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Twitter Suspensions Continue

By now, most of us are aware of the situation regarding Aaron Walker & his exposure of Brett Kimberlin (known as the Speedway Bomber from the late 1970s). You can find specifics of his conviction herehere and here. We also know that Kimberlin obtained a peace order to prevent Aaron from speaking about him at any time and anywhere for six months. The good news is, as of yesterday, Aaron was granted a partial stay of that order.

We also are aware of all the twitter suspensions of conservatives that is brought on by multiple spam/block report algorithms (that is how I understand it) from the political left. I just wanted to bring you the latest one from earlier this morning. Apparently someone who tweeted about Brett Kimberlin has been suspended, and no one knows why.

I truly believe twitter needs to get the corporate head together and do better with the suspensions. It doesn't matter who is requesting the suspension. What matters is the details - show proof that someone is actually sending spam.  Stop with the technical algorithms and demand further investigations as to why people are spam/blocking users. Get @FngConservative out of #TwitterGulag!

That is all I have to say on it ... for now, anyway ...

Another new blog: The Fall of the United States

Okay, here's something I threw together. It is another blog I started awhile back but just now got around to doing some work on it.

Here's the first article: Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Socialism is not a Scriptural Mandate

A blogger by the name of Tad Cronn from The Patriot Update wrote an excellent article on why Socialism isn't biblical. It would be interesting to know how many of my Christian friends (they include pulpit ministers) will actually read and understand what the Bible has to say on such a heavily-indoctrinated topic. Will they even see the light of truth in this? I don't know. The only thing I can do is pray for them. So, here we go ...

"A former associate of mine posted a cartoon the other day that said, “Church: where Republicans go to worship a long-haired socialist hippie who condemned the rich and told people to pay taxes.”
I see this sort of thing a lot from my left-wing friends and others who don’t seem to know much about the Bible but are mightily convinced that it talks about Jesus being a socialist.
Recently, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is as socialist as they come yet calls herself a Catholic, went so far as to say that Catholic archdioceses that have opposed President Obama’s contraceptives mandate — itself part of the biggest piece of socialist legislation to come down the pike in years — don’t represent the church.
There’s no end of left-leaning churchgoers or of entire denominations that have gone over to modern liberalism. So there must be good reason, right?"

Friday, June 1, 2012

On a Lighter Note ... Social Media Explained

We all know the gazillion different social media websites and apps are created the world over with their different formats to share information about ourselves. According to Twitter, today is National Donut Day. To show my support, here's how the most popular Social Media works:

1. Twitter: I’m eating a #Donut

2. Facebook: I like Donuts

3. Foursquare: This is where I eat Donuts

4. Instagram: Here’s a Vintage photo of my Donut

5. YouTube: Here I am eating a Donut.

6. LinkedIN: My skills include Donut eating.

7. Pinterest: Here’s a Donut Recipe

8. Last FM: Now Listening to “Donuts”

9. Google+: I’m a Google Employee who eats Donuts

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pastor Worley; Shame On You!!

Pastor Charles Worley, of Providence Baptist Church has just stepped into the dirtiest part of the political arena with his most recent "sermon" to his flock. Putting aside my own beliefs on homosexuality in general, I’m going to focus on the message he’s trying to convey. From what I can tell, he’s calling for what is equal to isolation, virtual imprisonment and certain death of gays and lesbians. 

Pastor, is hatred part of your message? I don’t know. It’s not my job to judge the man’s heart. But there is a difference between judgment and spiritual discernment of any sermon. PJTV's Alfonzo Rachel said it best in his Love One Another YouTube video. His response is part of what I am feeling at this point.

All I know is that this is the type of rhetoric that Satan himself just loves – creating division within Christianity. Just as Alfonzo said, your message makes it more difficult for Christians to speak the truth of love, forgiveness, mercy and grace – which is the message of Jesus Christ. 

Pastor Worley, here's the other half of my response to you. I think you need to listen to it very carefully, because this comes from Matthew 23:13 - in the words of the Savior:

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Congressman Paul Ryan on "The Rule of Law"

Hillsdale College  September 2011

Rep. Paul Ryan spoke on everything from TARP, the EPA to Obamacare and how it has and will continue to affect everyone, especially small business owners.

Friday, May 4, 2012

US Abandons Chinese Pro-Lifer Begging for Asylum

Here we are! We have no where else to go if we keep going down this road to tyranny.


I'll be sharing more info as this story unfolds.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog Transformation Update

Transformation? Sorry, that word has taken on a terrible meaning for me in recent years. Change? No, I don't like that one either!

How about, "Readjustment!" Yes, that sounds pretty good!

You'll notice that I've been working on some "readjustments" to my blog with some really cool additions! It is taking me a little longer than expected. I'm a novice at this sort of thing, and I'm not a web developer. I am learning this as I go along.  For the time being, I have left some archived work up so you can share it with others until this site is fully up and running. I'll be back very soon! I promise!

Thank you for your patience! :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Time to Change my Direction Here?

Hi everybody! I know I have been away from my blog for quite awhile. Please forgive me for not staying on top of my articles. My health wasn't good this past fall, and I was in the hospital for a few weeks. Yes, I am doing much better, physically. Since my recovery, I have been in deep thought about the direction for this blog and all the work I put into sharing important information about our country and the direction it is headed. Not many people have really taken the time to read it despite the Google search listing in the past. I have assumed that the listing was based more on how often you publish and not on the view count. Am I giving up sounding the alarm? Oh no! I think it is time that I focus on sharing the information in a different manner rather than just publishing my thoughts here. Since the blog title has been part of the "Google" family, It will stay here. Some of the third-party YouTube videos on individual articles are no longer available, and that takes away from a lot of what I have shared. That's YouTube for you--famous for copyright take-down! So, I am thinking of doing something different. As soon as I have all my plans in place, I will let you all know what they are. For now, I will keep this blog up and "live." There may come a time in the future where I will take it down completely, but there is a lot of work ahead of me to do before I make that move. Until then ...