Saturday, June 30, 2012

First the Timeline, then the email, now Desktop Chat Feature

Facebook has now created a desktop and mobile phone app for chat/messenger. Here's what I saw at the top of the home page:

Note: To protect the security of some of my friends and family, I have covered up their photos. 

To see what it looks like from the desktop, click here.

In regards to the Timeline and email features, calls Facebook's actions its standard modus operandi by announcing a new feature as non-obligatory, and then without your knowledge or consent, users have the timeline and email address that they never wanted in the first place. Although there is no way to delete the email, has detailed information on how to change privacy settings to prevent it from being visible to anyone but the account holder.

I would like to know how long will it take for Facebook to move from "nudging" to "shoving" us into another unwanted communication feature.  Give me a break!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

In the words of Thomas Jefferson ...

“To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” 

ObamaCare Upheld by SCOTUS

Here's my point of view:

We are a nation in trouble, now more than ever! Yes, fellow Americans, we are now under Socialist, tyrannical rule in that we are mandated to buy health insurance whether or not we want it. Thanks to the US Supreme Court and Chief Justice Thomas,  we have been forced into unprecedented dirty water. 

Although I cannot prove it, it is in my opinion that someone in the Obama administration - or even someone within the Supreme Court itself - has bought Justice Thomas' decision long before they made it public.  Justice Thomas, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! I hope you can look in the mirror every day from now on, knowing that you just ignored the will of the people AND threw out the Constitution!!

Here's what Steve Ertelt from says in regards to the abortion mandate:

"The Supreme Court has issued a 5-4 decision essentially upholding the Obamacare law that pro-life groups regard as the biggest expansion of abortion and abortion funding since Roe v. Wade.
The law also drew strong opposition from the pro-life community not only over abortion but because the legislation also promotes rationing of medical care that could lead to involuntarily denying lifesaving treatment."

Continue reading ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Twitter Suspensions Continue

By now, most of us are aware of the situation regarding Aaron Walker & his exposure of Brett Kimberlin (known as the Speedway Bomber from the late 1970s). You can find specifics of his conviction herehere and here. We also know that Kimberlin obtained a peace order to prevent Aaron from speaking about him at any time and anywhere for six months. The good news is, as of yesterday, Aaron was granted a partial stay of that order.

We also are aware of all the twitter suspensions of conservatives that is brought on by multiple spam/block report algorithms (that is how I understand it) from the political left. I just wanted to bring you the latest one from earlier this morning. Apparently someone who tweeted about Brett Kimberlin has been suspended, and no one knows why.

I truly believe twitter needs to get the corporate head together and do better with the suspensions. It doesn't matter who is requesting the suspension. What matters is the details - show proof that someone is actually sending spam.  Stop with the technical algorithms and demand further investigations as to why people are spam/blocking users. Get @FngConservative out of #TwitterGulag!

That is all I have to say on it ... for now, anyway ...

Another new blog: The Fall of the United States

Okay, here's something I threw together. It is another blog I started awhile back but just now got around to doing some work on it.

Here's the first article: Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Socialism is not a Scriptural Mandate

A blogger by the name of Tad Cronn from The Patriot Update wrote an excellent article on why Socialism isn't biblical. It would be interesting to know how many of my Christian friends (they include pulpit ministers) will actually read and understand what the Bible has to say on such a heavily-indoctrinated topic. Will they even see the light of truth in this? I don't know. The only thing I can do is pray for them. So, here we go ...

"A former associate of mine posted a cartoon the other day that said, “Church: where Republicans go to worship a long-haired socialist hippie who condemned the rich and told people to pay taxes.”
I see this sort of thing a lot from my left-wing friends and others who don’t seem to know much about the Bible but are mightily convinced that it talks about Jesus being a socialist.
Recently, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is as socialist as they come yet calls herself a Catholic, went so far as to say that Catholic archdioceses that have opposed President Obama’s contraceptives mandate — itself part of the biggest piece of socialist legislation to come down the pike in years — don’t represent the church.
There’s no end of left-leaning churchgoers or of entire denominations that have gone over to modern liberalism. So there must be good reason, right?"

Friday, June 1, 2012

On a Lighter Note ... Social Media Explained

We all know the gazillion different social media websites and apps are created the world over with their different formats to share information about ourselves. According to Twitter, today is National Donut Day. To show my support, here's how the most popular Social Media works:

1. Twitter: I’m eating a #Donut

2. Facebook: I like Donuts

3. Foursquare: This is where I eat Donuts

4. Instagram: Here’s a Vintage photo of my Donut

5. YouTube: Here I am eating a Donut.

6. LinkedIN: My skills include Donut eating.

7. Pinterest: Here’s a Donut Recipe

8. Last FM: Now Listening to “Donuts”

9. Google+: I’m a Google Employee who eats Donuts