Friday, January 21, 2011

Remember Europe and their currency crisis? @glennbeck #tcot #sgp #dollars #yuan #NYC #Chinesebanknews

My grandmother used to talk about how a foreign country would take us over from within, but her suspicions never included China. But, she wasn't far off. Now, thanks to not just GW Bush, but even Clinton and GHW Bush (Sr), our country is so far in debt that Americans are changing our currency into Chinese Yuan. Hmm ... I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that we'll lose our sovereignty over this.

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Americans are changing U.S. dollars into Chinese Yuan.
Chinese currency
See more at

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Well, well ... Lookie here. Dupnik's daughter in trouble for drugs. #PinaCounty #AZ #dipshidiot

It looks to me that Sheriff Dupnik has something to hide. Not that it's really any of our business, but it's interesting that he would cry foul with conservative talk shows and "vitriol" as one of the "consequences" for Jared Lee Loughner shooting people in Arizona, including Rep. Gabriella Giffords and killing six.

All the while, he had problems of his own with his adult daughter and her drug use. I wonder why he didn't do an intervention to get her into treatment long ago.

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Dupnik's own daughter faced drug charges, but did he find her help?

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has managed to place himself in the media spotlight by blaming the political and media climate as the reason for last weekend's Tucson's massacre. In fact, the Pima County Sheriff went as far as to blame talk radio host Rush Limbaugh for the tragic shooting that took the lives of six and wounded 14.

However, if Sheriff Dupnik is willing to use this line of logic, is he then willing to take responsibility for the fact that his own adult daughter was arrested on drug charges in his own county? His daughter was first arrested for on drug charges in 2004. 


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And so it begins ... Tea Party member threats #AZ #teapartypatriots #tcot #Tucson #deaththreats

Is this what is meant by "ending the vitriol?" Sheriff Dupnik - YOU started this mess and YOU are the one who said that political vitriol was responsible for the shooting. And now we have another nut job from the left threatening a Tea party leader!! Dupnik- YOU should be ashamed of yourself and fired without pension!!

Nice job, Sheriff Dupnik!! Are you happy now?

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED… Tucson Tea Party Leader Receives Death Threats This Week

Mission Accomplished!

After blaming the tea party for the mass slaughter on Saturday one tea party leader is receiving death threats. The sheriff’s office told Tucson tea party leader Trent Humphries to stay home.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Hey!! Rep. Jerrold Nadler!! If you can't stand the heat ...

GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!! You and the rest of your dipshidiots are proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you despise the founding fathers and the Constitution to which you took the oath to uphold. Or, has this been all a game to all of you?

If you don't like the Constitution of the United States of America,or what it stands for, you are welcomed to leave the US anytime you want - and take your minions with you!!!

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Reading between Constitution's lines

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And the Founders said: Let there be a constitution. And the Founders looked at the articles and clauses and saw that it was good.

For more than 200 years, Americans have revered the Constitution as the law of the land, but the GOP and tea party heralding of the document in recent months - and the planned recitation on the House floor Thursday - have caused some Democrats to worry that the charter is being misconstrued as the immutable word of God.

"They are reading it like a sacred text," said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the outgoing chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, civil rights and civil liberties, who has studied and memorized the Constitution with talmudic intensity.

Nadler called the "ritualistic reading" on the floor "total nonsense" and "propaganda" intended to claim the document for Republicans. "You read the Torah, you read the Bible, you build a worship service around it," said Nadler, who argued that the Founders were not "demigods" and that the document's need for amendments to abolish slavery and other injustices showed it was "highly imperfect."


Apple now calls Christians "potentially harmful"

As opposed to the 9/11 attacks, "honor" killings, the murder of Christians?

Dear Steve Jobs,

In all my life, I never thought I would live to see the day when someone like you would accuse Christians of being "objectionable or potentially harmful to others." Please help me understand your reasoning behind your warped frame of mind. Who's being hateful here now? What makes you such an expert on religious beliefs anyway? Tell us, Steve! Where do you get your information from? Or are you just "following" along with mainstream psycho-babble elitists who claim to have the ultimate authority on what others should believe and think?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Accident Victim's Mother Angry With Police; child in a coma ticketed 4 jaywalking

I totally agree with the mother. For Pete's sake, is Vegas that hard up financially that they must issue a ticket for that? I was hit by a car (while jay-walking) when I was ten years old and had serious facial/dental injuries, and I wasn't ticketed. As a matter of fact, the guy who hit me was cited for speeding. The authorities in this girl's case have lost their common sense when they issued the citation when the poor girl is seriously hurt at the moment. I'd say, drop it and move on! Don't you have drunks and prostitutes to deal with there in "Sin City?"

Rep Steny Hoyer's "presumption" abt tea partiers

You know what they say about assumptions, don't you, Mr. Hoyer? Something else I learned growing up is this: Every time you point a finger at someone else, you have three others pointing back at you.

My grandmother used to tell me that, whenever someone makes a false accusation like the stupid ones made by Rep. Hoyer and Howard Dean, it's probably because they are feeling guilty of the same exact thing.

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Government Hoyer: Uncompromising Tea Partiers Must Come From ‘Unhappy Families’

Many Democratas have blamed unfounded cases of racism for their aversion to the growing tea party movement. But now, the new House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer, D-Md., presents the latest presumption about tea partiers: they must come from dysfunctional families:

But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of unfounded accusations of racism being thrown about.  Take for instance the most recent, from former DNC chairman Howard Dean on Wednesday morning who describes the tea party as the “last gasp” of old, white folks afraid of “change”:


Justice Dept's plans for anti-bullying is hilarious! #tcot #ocra

I wonder if Senator Cornyn remembers his vote on the Defense spending bill - the same one that stuffed the hate crimes bill within it. There is a video at the original link, and I suggest that everyone watch it.

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Bullied at School for Being Gay? The U.S. Justice Department 'Won't Stand for It,' High School Students Told

( – The U.S. Justice Department went into a public high school on Tuesday with a message for students: If you’re “different,” if you’re gay, and if you’re being bullied – don’t feel alone, don’t be ashamed, and don’t hesitate to call on the federal government for help if your school doesn’t stop the bullying.

“If you have been targeted for harassment or bullying because of your sexual orientation, because of your gender identity or expression, or simply because your classmates see you as different, I am here to tell you that the Civil Rights Division will not stand for it,” Tom Perez, the assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, told students at James Hubert Blake High School in Silver Spring, Md.


Internet Tyranny is on its way #twisters #freedomdefenders #tcot #ocra

And of course the support had to come from Senator Orrin Hatch the RINO & "wolf in sheep's clothing!"

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Utah's $1.5 billion cyber-security center under way

CAMP WILLIAMS — Today's groundbreaking for a $1.5 billion National Security Agency data center is being billed as important in the short term for construction jobs and important in the long term for Utah's reputation as a technology center.

"This will bring 5,000 to 10,000 new jobs during its construction and development phase," Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said on Wednesday. "Once completed, it will support 100 to 200 permanent high-paid employees."

Officially named the Utah Data Center, the facility's role in aggregating and verifying dizzying volumes of data for the intelligence community has already earned it the nickname "Spy Center." Its really long moniker is the Community Comprehensive National Cyber-security Initiative Data Center — the first in the nation's intelligence community.


Emilio Navaira lawsuit - My Rant

Okay! Someone wake me up from this nightmare!! It is true that Emilio Navaira was drunk the night in April 2008 when he crashed the bus near Houston, TX. Yes, he was dead wrong for driving in that condition. However, other passengers were drunk or “under the influence.” None of them had the proper licensing to drive a commercial vehicle. So, my question to all of them would be, “Why didn’t you hire a person with a commercial license to drive the bus?” Where were your brains? Oh, I forgot – your brains are nowhere near your head! The choices you made to drink and act stupid while on tour is your responsibility, and yet one of you wants to hold Emilio & his family responsible for not just paying your medical bills, but your so-called “mental anguish?” Define “mental anguish, please?” Excuse me, Ricardo Vega, but you deserve your physical pain and “mental anguish” – thank-you-very-much!! YOU made the choice to drink and act stupid!!

Don’t you realize that with every single lawsuit (frivolous, I will add) related to a situation like this forces changes in the auto insurance industry for the rest of us – especially those of us who don’t drink and drive like Emilio did?? In regards to the $1 million dollars you’re demanding, the rest of us will be paying for what Emilio cannot just in insurance premiums!!

Mr. Vega, I think it's time that you take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and think about what you're doing. Emilio has problems of his own - medically and legally. Don't you think he's suffered enough?  Asking for possible assistance in paying for your medical bills is one thing, but mental anguish is a totally different ball game! However, you may not get anything from this lawsuit, because insurance companies usually do not pay out when DWI's are involved. So, common sense tells me that your "mental anguish" claim is bogus. I think you want someone to pay for YOUR bad choices. I also think you need to take some courses in Common Sense and Personal Responsibility.

Today’s definition of a “douche bag:” People who are so arrogant that they cannot and/or refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, and they use others as scapegoats.

I'll bet Emilio can't afford the $1M ...

So the rest of us will be picking up the tab!

Okay! Someone wake me up from this nightmare!! It is true that Emilio Navaira was drunk the night in April 2008 when he crashed the bus near Houston, TX. Yes, he was dead wrong for driving in that condition. However, other passengers were drunk or “under the influence as well.” None of them had the proper licensing to drive a commercial vehicle. So, my question to all of them would be, “Why didn’t you hire a person with a commercial license to drive the bus?” Where were your brains? Oh, I forgot – your brains are nowhere near your head! The choices you made to drink and act stupid while on tour is your responsibility, and yet one of you wants to hold Emilio’s family responsible for not just paying your medical bills, but your so-called “mental anguish?” Define “mental anguish," please?” Excuse me, Ricardo Vega, but you deserve your physical pain and “mental anguish” – thank-you-very-much!! YOU made the choice to drink and act stupid!!

Don’t you realize that with every single lawsuit (frivolous, I will add) related to a situation like this forces changes in the auto insurance industry for the rest of us – especially those of us who don’t drink and drive like Emilio did?? In regards to the $1 million dollars you’re demanding, the rest of us will be paying for what Emilio cannot just in insurance premiums!!

Today’s definition of a “douche bag:” People who are so arrogant that they cannot and/or refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, and they use others as scapegoats.

Mr. Vega, this lawsuit is nothing more than a 'get rich quick' scheme! I think it's time that you take a look at your own life and make some changes - like - man up and take responsibility for your own actions! Emilio has enough problems of his own, and the last thing he needs is for you to make it any worse!

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Emilio Back In Court, Faces Lawsuit

Former Band Member Suing Emilio Over 2008 Bus Crash


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Whoop-dee-doo!! 3 xtra days to file taxes! Let's all party!!

Hey, MSNBC!! I think I just felt a tingle up my leg.

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IRS extends filing deadline for taxes to April 18

Emancipation Day day holiday celebrated in D.C. is reason for moving date


EPA out of bounds with state environmental laws. Gee, ya think? #TX #tcot #EPA #twisters #teaparty

Of course the EPA would go after Texas. It's one of the largest states in the union and a state where many businesses are fleeing to.

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EDITORIAL: Federal government is out of bounds in its attempt to circumvent state environmental laws

Lost in the holiday shuffle was the latest chapter in the battle
between the state of Texas and its environmental arm, the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality, and the federal government’s
Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA won the latest round last
week when the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals failed to issue a
stay that would have stopped the EPA from enforcing a new
permitting system to limit carbon dioxide emissions in the

In the original Clean Air Act, passed in 1972, the job of
preventing pollutions is “the primary responsibility of States and
local governments,” not the federal government. Texas complied with
the law by establishing the forerunner of the TCEQ, and issues
permits under state law. Texas and other states issue flexible
permits, which set pollution limits on an entire facility, not just
a single operating unit in the facility. When the Obama
Administration took over in 2009, the EPA wasted little time in
formally disapproving the permit system despite the original intent
of the Clean Air Act.

Texas, under the leadership of Attorney General Greg Abbott, has
been battling the EPA ever since. The next round in the fight came
last year with the EPA’s “endangerment” ruling that classified,
without the consent of Congress, carbon dioxide as a harmful
pollutant. Like many other states, Texas does not deem so-called
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide as pollutants. But the EPA
singled out Texas, and Texas alone, by announcing it was taking
over the entire permitting process.

Abbott filed a lawsuit challenging the action, but the appeals
court’s failure to issue a stay means the EPA runs the permitting
process in Texas pending the outcome of the suit.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Is there compassion for the unemployed?

From personal experience, I think compassion for the unemployed can only go so far. There comes a time when the unemployed person must take responsibility for their own lives by cutting their discretionary spending (i.e. multiple cell phones, cable and/or satellite TV [what's wrong with using the digital receiver box?], and most importantly, stop using credit cards!!).

People are awesome when it comes to helping each other out in times of need. Earlier this year, the Guadalupe River overflowed after a storm, and it destroyed homes and tubing businesses. What did the people do? After the water receded, they all got together and began to clean up the mess and rebuild. It took some time, but many of the businesses were up and running and ready for the tubing business. Comal County applied for FEMA assistance (I'm still looking for confirmation on that).

Ever since I was in my 20s, I've been on both sides of the aisle when it comes to unemployment. At different points in my life, I've lived with family and/or friends and relied on government assistance. Food stamps are only for food items. When I lived in my home state of NY, the old "AFDC" check barely covered the rent. I had to rely on family members to provide personal care items and clothing. It's not fun when you can't provide for more than barely your basic needs. Although telephones were necessary, long distance was considered a luxury service. Personal computers were in infancy, and cell phones were unheard of. During those down times in my life, I had a bad attitude. Because of how I was raised, I always thought of myself as a conservative, but my attitude was not proving it. I thought that I was "entitled to" so much more than what I had been provided for via the government assistance. I couldn't understand why the government couldn't provide me with 'minimum wage' income to stay home and do nothing with my life, and I was angry because there was nothing I could do about it ... or so I thought. I was thinking as a progressive liberal, and I didn't like that about myself.

It wasn't until I was in my 30s that I had to make a decision. Was I going to continue living off the backs of the tax payers, or was I going to make a change for the better for myself? I chose the latter. I wasn't sure how my life would play out. It took a long time, and there were moments when I would stumble and fall. Yes, I still relied on some assistance from the state (by then I was in Texas), but I used it wisely. I qualified for housing assistance, and a little food stamps. I eventually landed a really good job and managed to keep it for a little less than 5 yrs. During that time, I got married, and my life changed even more for the better. My husband and I now totally own our house, and although I am now on disability due to a chronic health problem, things are still much better for me than they used to be.

As for compassion for the unemployed is concerned, I can give you another example of that. I am a member of a really great church who has been there for me for over a year. They have an excellent ministry that helps not only their members, but the entire non-member community around them. I've had to ask for help with food, and they came through for me in ways I never expected. To this day, I still have food left over to use up that they sent from their pantry. Ladies from the church come by either once a month, or whenever I need help with anything. I've even asked for help with yard work that I cannot do anymore because of my health, and four guys from the church spent at least an hour to clean up around the yard for me. I'm even learning a lot about cooking from food storage for two people.

My health may not be as good as it used to be anymore, but I'm still able to do what I can to keep my life in order. I don't like having to, once again, rely on the government, but it is what it is - for now. There are some business ideas I have planned to help supplement that income, and I am looking forward to getting started with them. It would even be better to earn enough money from my own business so that I don't have to rely on a disability check.

The point is, people are compassionate. BUT, the individuals affected by unemployment must be willing to accept a temporary "hand up" and make hard, yet necessary decisions for themselves instead of demanding a nearly permanent "hand out!"