Friday, June 17, 2011

FBI Investigating Islamic Radicals? #tcot #ampats #twisters

This is hilarious! For years, this creep and his organization has been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants for a front group (see video), and now they're targeting him as having ties to terrorism? Can you say "white wash?"

Oh, don't forget, he's a friend of Barack Obama. With Obama in the White House, one can only assume how far this investigation will go.
Amplify’d from

Shhhh! Obama Pal Who Received $457k Of Tax Dollars And Visited WH Being Investigated For Ties To Terrorism

In October 2010 FBI agents raided the homes of left-wing activist in Chicago and Minneapolis who were linked to the Marxist FARC terrorists and Islamic radicals as part of a terrorism investigation.
The home of radical Hatem Abudayyeh, a friend of Barack Obama, was raided in the terror sweep.

Radical Hatem Abudayyeh protested against Israel in Chicago in January 2009. (Daylife)
Hatem Abudayyeh is the executive director of the Arab American Action Network(AAAN). Hatem Abudayyeh has been with the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) since 1999, and was appointed Executive Director in 2003. The Arab American Action Network was founded by former PLO operative and close Obama family friend Rashid Khalidi. Obama was a director of the Woods Fund from 1994 through 2001, when the board approved a$40,000 grant to the Arab American Action Network.