Thursday, July 12, 2012

Update: Joe Paterno: My Opinion

Yes, yes, we have all heard about the scandal that took place in the past 10-20 years. Sorry, but I wasn't there, so I am not here to pass judgment on Coach Paterno or anyone else from Penn State. What I am going to show is a few tweets about Paterno himself and then give my two cents about the hypocrisy of it all. 

According to TMZ, they say that "The Freeh Group -- an independent investigative task force hired by the Penn State University Board of Trustees -- released it's report moments ago ... "

Okay! So, let's say the "official report" is true, and the coach had knowledge of the sex crimes and did nothing. If so, this is very sad. I feel horrible for the Paterno family, considering the coach is no longer here to defend himself. However, I am equally dismayed but not surprised by the comments and tweets about Paterno himself as a person and as a human being. If he is "guilty" of a cover-up, it is basically a moot point. Joe Paterno has died; let him rest! You cannot go back and change things. Let's not continue to berate a man who is no longer here. We need to be thinking of his family and how hurt they must be as well. You all talk about stopping the hate and intolerance, while at the same time using hateful comments about someone who was never perfect in the first place! 

Here's a good example of what I am talking about. One person is referring to Paterno as "not a good person." 

My question is, what is their definition of a "good person?"

Another one calls Paterno a liar, and says that his statue should be destroyed.

Yes, it is very possible that Joe Paterno lied and covered up his alleged knowledge of the sex crimes committed by the assistant coach. May God have mercy on his soul. I believe that God is the final judge in all eternal matters once a person has died. Here are some questions for you to think about: How many of you have never told a lie? How many of you are perfect?  Newsflash, people: We are all guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, and even adultery at some point in our lives. Joe Paterno was no different than anyone else. The statue is not the problem, and it should not even be an issue. The issue is with the free agency that God has given all of us. We were all born with a sinful nature. We choose to do right things in life, or we choose to do wrong. Either way, we are judged by our creator in the end. 

Idol worship has been a big problem in society for many generations. Man is not perfect. This is why we should never honor any individual with statues, or putting their names on scholarships and educational institutions. When you put your "faith" in mankind, we all lose in the end. You are going to find out that they have weaknesses and the same sinful nature as the rest of us. I hope and pray that you would put your faith and trust in God, our Heavenly Father than in any person on earth. At least you would know He doesn't let you down the way Joe Paterno and the entire Penn State administration has to the students - past and present.

I am not going to sit here and join in with the "court of public opinion" that is bent on continuing the destruction of Joe Paterno's character. However, I will stand up and defend the Paterno family with "reminders" for all of us with these two video clips - here and here.

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